We know you have something to say!
Send us your article on country school history, preservation, or restoration and we'll share it with our membership and friends. Is your group or community utilizing your schoolhouse in a creative or innovative way? Do you have programming ideas you'd like to share? Have you found intriguing country school stories to share? Do you have questions for our membership and readers? Maybe we would receive answers. Would you like to share information on vendors that you use to supply your country school? Do you have ways of attracting young people to get involved in the use of your school? Have you held successful fundraisers that you'd like to suggest to our readers? Do you have artifacts you'd like to swap for others? Put the word out in an article. Tell us how you recruit and retain volunteers. Do you have a video about your country school you'd like to see posted here on The Report Card? Enjoy photography? If you have stunning country school photos you'd like to share in a post gallery, we would like to showcase your talents! Do you utilize your schoolhouse for fun events around holidays? ETC.... The Report Card can post links to PDF's, links to websites, and JPEGS. We'll look forward to hearing from you! You will find a black button for an easy submission form in the brown "The Report Card" banner next to the CSAA slate! Just in case, here's another one! Click on each photo below to enlarge...
Great Schoolhouse Find in Scott County, Iowa!
While attending the 2023 Preservation Iowa Country School Conference September 22nd & 23rd, we traveled to Davenport's Putnam Museum giant theater for the world premier of Emmy Award Winners Tammy and Kelly Rundle's newest movie, "Resurrecting Forest Grove" (more on that soon...). We decided to stop first in Scott County to find a schoolhouse suggested on our program. It was totally worth the trip! We mistakenly drove the whole loop of the Scott County Park and found miles of hiking trails, lush woods, camping facilities, people walking their dogs, an RV park filled to capacity with overnighters, even a hunter's safety class....but no schoolhouse. As we exited the park confused, we looked to our right and there it was. Next to a spired white church stood a proud little while schoolhouse characteristic of many we had visited in Iowa over the years. It was part of the Dan Nagle Walnut Grove Pioneer Village and as luck would have it, the door was open (but with a locked gate beyond the cloakroom). That was fine as you could easily take pictures through the gate to envision a class in session. What a wonderful schoolhouse it is with a stove befitting a mansion, matched desks, American flag, Washington and Lincoln, recitation bench, schoolbooks and schoolhouse artifacts carefully displayed, and a piano. Well tended and meticulously preserved, the schoolhouse would impress any of our country school enthusiasts. Like time stood still...and so well tended! According to Scott Country Conservation, "Walnut Grove was a Scott County cross-roads settlement and stage coach stop of the 1860s. The Village includes 22 historic buildings, some relocated from rural Scott County. Pioneer Village has accessible and modern restroom facilities. Great for school groups, weddings and family picnics." For more visitor information click on the link below and consider a visit one day. So much to see beyond the schoolhouse...Open through October. Two Short Videos and a Boondoggle A little brick schoolhouse in Ayer, MA exemplifies the story of one town’s dedication to furthering the cause of public education and a later generation’s determination to keep an 1868 schoolhouse alive. The Sandy Pond Schoolhouse Association has produced two videos, Part 1 & 2, that tell the story of the town, the building of the schoolhouse, some common teaching methods in 19th century country schools, and the resurrection of the schoolhouse following consolidation. They tell a hopeful tale of what can be done by dedicated citizens to save one of only two remaining schoolhouses as a historic site and community center. Witness the process undertaken over many years to make their dream a reality and see the work still to be accomplished. Enjoy the videos, but be sure to follow up with their latest endeavor. Sandy Pond shared their videos in 2021 for the CSAA Annual Country School Conference (VIRTUAL DUE TO COVID) as part of our "Easy Chair Tour" of one-room schools. CSAA will follow their story of restoration with our appreciation for their efforts. An Unexpected Legal Issue for the SPSA! Preservationists, just when you think you’ve done everything right, all may not be smooth sailing. The Sandy Pond School Association is currently working to resolve a very interesting legal issue that will be of interest to any group seeking to save a schoolhouse! Read their story…(1-Page PDF)
How They Learned Their ABC's Stories from one-room school attendees abound, but one newly published compilation emanated from a photo exhibit attended by researcher, Leona Baker. While enjoying the exhibit, she conceived the idea to interview teachers and attendees of one-room schools and that began her eight year research project collecting interviews, photos, and memorabilia for her new book, "How They Learned Their ABC's: The Story of One-Room Public School in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and the Villages They Served." According to CSAA member, Ginger Shelley, "The authors, Leona Baker and the members of the Historical Society of Salisbury Township, completed a whopping 400-page book, and typical of a production by a small historical society, with not much funding. There is a short history of each of the 32 schools in the township and a rather substantial amount of material dealing with memories and reminiscences from former students." The book debuted in July at a book launch at the Annual White Chimneys Living History Event in Gap, PA on July 22, 2023. Leona told the story of one-room public schools in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County and the villages they served. CSAA sends congratulations on a job well done! For a detailed article from Town Lively or a link to obtain a copy, use the buttons below. 2024 Conference Flyer for Your Files
The Report Card will keep you up to date on all developments for the CSAA Annual Country School Conference 2024 to be held in Toledo, Ohio. Details will emerge in the weeks ahead but plans are well on their way. You may click anywhere on the flyer below to access a printable version for your files. We hope to see you all there, old friends and new! Future updates will include: Registration & pricing information as it becomes available, travel aids, dorm information, keynote speaker information, programming, etc. |
The story of what went on inside that eminently successful country school is an important part of Americana. It should be preserved along with a few remaining buildings wherein the great cultural pageant took place." ARCHIVES
January 2025